Ashby Public Safety 01

Public Safety Complex Addition & Renovation

Colliers Project Leaders provided owner’s project management services for the addition and renovation of the Town of Ashby’s existing Fire Station, to create a Public Safety Complex that also houses the Police Department.


Town of Ashby


Ashby, MA

Project Scale

11,500 gsf / $7.2M

Bringing Fire and Police together in a new Public Safety Complex

Colliers Project Leaders provided owner’s project management for the Town of Ashby’s Public Safety Complex. The project included renovation of the 4,500 square foot existing Fire Station with an 11,500 square foot addition. The additional space allowed for the Police Department to be housed in the same building.

The Fire Station remained a four-bay facility with life safety and operational upgrades to accommodate the proposed addition. The addition provided the Fire Department with administration space, bunk rooms, a kitchen, dining room, and day room. The Police Department area includes a sally-port and two alternate vehicle bays, two universal cells, locker room, and administrative offices.

Site development required connecting to the Town’s nearby public well and development of a septic system to accommodate the improved facility.

In the role of owner’s project manager, Colliers provided comprehensive project management services including:

  • Developing the total project budget and schedule
  • Managing the site selection process including geo-technical and site survey
  • Facilitating the contract between the Owner and the Architect
  • Developing potential permitting and site logistic issues with proposed mitigation opportunities
  • Developing financial impact analyses of splitting the phasing of construction based on the Town’s borrowing capacity
  • Representing the project at future Public Meetings to secure project vote
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