From daily commutes to cross-country flights.
We know your project is under intense scrutiny, both from funding partners and the public. Completing your project on time and under budget is essential for helping Canadians reach their destinations quickly and safely.
We understand that the movement of goods and people rely on your transportation links everyday. Enforcing commercial contracts that reflect your expectations is key. Major projects are implemented with a funding formula to bring clarity and certainty to every decision.
Building infrastructure. Connecting communities. Enhancing accessibility. These are all important considerations.
Does your project plan consider all stakeholders and help you choose sustainable products and construction methods to meet the expected life-cycle costs of your asset?
We can help. We offer an integrated solution to guide procurement, supply overall strategy, and provide tactical advice. Our goal is to help you help Canadians reach their destinations.
Transit-Oriented Development
Transit-oriented development – or TOD – is a well-established transit and urban development strategy used around the world. As a member of the Future of Infrastructure Group › and its TOD working group, we are engaging in research and discussions focused on helping governments across Canada drive fair value, design better end user experiences, resolve issues around municipal development, and examine what financing packages look like for TOD.
Learn more about the TOD working group ›
Read the report, Getting to Transit Oriented Communities, › done in partnership with ULI Toronto