City of Calgary
Calgary, AB
Project Scale
550,000 sq. ft.

Planning for the future.

The new facility includes 36 maintenance bays, two steam bays, and associated administrative support space. The new LEED Gold facility is approximately 550,000 sq. ft., and home to more than 424 buses. Our team acted as the bridging team lead for the City, responsible for procuring, organizing, and directing a team of 10 specialist discipline sub-consultants. We took responsibility half-way into the P3 proponent RFP phase. We were responsible for preparing the Owner’s Statement of Requirements, administration of the procurement process, RFI responses, reviewing and evaluating proponent’s submissions, and making recommendations. We monitored design, construction, and close-out, and attended all project meetings, advised the City on issues, and reviewed and made recommendations with respect to all change orders.

Images courtesy of PCL.

Collaboratively drafting blueprints